Usage instructions

Instructions of LLC (SIA) YoPlayDo:

Homepage is managed by SIA YoPlayDo, registration number 41503077456, registered – 20 Vienības Street, Daugavpils, 5401, Latvia.

YoPlayDo is used by Citadele Banka to accept VISA and MasterCard for payment for its products and services online.

Products and services

YoPlayDo offers clients a digital online information system, football data and statistical management software, within which it is possible to simply and quickly fix and look through all path of professional and physiological development of a young sportsman from any world place, as well as his psychological portrait, team statistics and follow his participation in championships of various scales.

Service subscription periods and fees are given here:

All payments are accepted in EUR currency and processed using Citadele Banka payment system. Sensitive data of cards and their mediums are transferred using safe TLS connection.

The Product is available only to individuals who are at least 16 years old.

YoPlayDo usage instructions:
  1. User’s duties and responsibility:
    1. The user is responsible for service use according to the legislative acts of the Republic of Latvia.
    2. The user undertakes full responsibility for any action performed by him while using services.
    3. The User undertakes to not use services for any illegal purposes.
    4. The User undertakes to not send from YoPlayDo “chain letters”, spam and/or any ad materials to the addressees, which have not requested it.
    5. The User undertakes to not use YoPlayDo for distribution of computer viruses and similar materials.
    6. The User undertakes to not use YoPlayDo violating third persons’ rights (without restriction, including third persons’ intellectual property rights and confidentiality).
    7. The User must keep YoPlayDo access password in secret and he undertakes full responsibility for actions taking place using it. Other users of the User’s sign-in name and password are responsible for observation of these rules in the same amount as the User himself. The User must immediately inform the Supplier about any suspicion or unauthorized actions with the User’s sign-in name and password or any other safety violations, which he has learned about.
    8. The User must, on a regular basis, provide references on the Product, expressing about improvements and further adjustment.
  2. The User has no rights (and he cannot transfer them to the third party) to:
    1. copy or use the Product or linked documentation in any form, which is not clearly allowed in this Agreement;
    2. decompile, deconstruct or by any other means to try getting the Product’s source code or other basic algorithms, user’s interface methods or other ideas embodied into the Product;
    3. distribute Product’s or linked documentation’s copies, except cases, which are clearly defined in this Agreement, or give access to someone or allow to use (time distribution, service office, software service provider’s model) the Product;
    4. use the Product or its output data to create, change or imitate models to the third parties;
    5. use the Product or its output data to improve products, which compete with the Licensed Product;
    6. change or develop derived products from any part of the Licensed Product or linked documentation;
  3. The User is forbidden to use the Product in ways, which do not correspond to those given in the Agreement.
  4. Except cases, which are clearly given in this Agreement, the User has no rights (and he cannot transfer them to the third party) to copy, adjust, deconstruct, decompile, disassemble, transform or make error corrections of the Product or its parts.
  5. The violation of YoPlayDo usage instructions made by the User or its system’s end user or its attempt is considered this User’s violation. The User has a duty within 24 hours to react to violations of these instructions the Supplier has notified about.
Supplier’s rights and duties:
  1. The software is supported and administered by SIA YoPlayDo, Reg. No. 41503077456. The software is available both in internet:, and in mobile apps (for instance, smartphones, tablets etc.).
  2. During term of validity of the Agreement, the Developer provides Product’s support and maintenance Services.
  3. The Supplier is not responsible for interruptions in service provision, which have been caused by circumstances that the Supplier could not control or foresee.
  4. Ensure safety and protection of the User’s data against unauthorized access to the system.
  5. The Supplier is entitled at any time to improve YoPlayDo system’s functionality, structure, safety availability and technical specification of other YoPlayDo.

The Agreement comes into effect when the User has completed YoPlayDo registration and is valid sine die.

Any dispute is resolved through negotiations. If the Parties cannot resolve the dispute through negotiations, it is resolved according to the valid normative standards of the Republic of Latvia at the courts.

The User agrees that all data given about him are true and certify his authentic identity.

When the User goes through YoPlayDo registration procedure, the User certifies that he has looked through and agrees with this Agreement’s regulations and undertakes to follow them.

Service and payment:
  1. The service can only be paid by registered users after the contract has been signed.
  2. The client receives free access for the first month, further payment is made according to the specified terms.
  3. Monthly payment is made at the beginning of the month, according to the chosen subscription period and Member’s type.
  4. The user can pay for the service monthly or make a one-time payment for the whole year in advance.
  5. Members:
    1. Player - is a physical person engaged in sports,
    2. Team - is a players’ group,
    3. Club - is an association that combines physical and legal persons to realize their interests in a particular sport and promote its development.
  6. Standard subscription periods are the month, where the amount of payment is determined by the number of Members and the applicable membership fees, as indicated in the price list (see, Prices).
  7. Depending on the member's nationality pricing policy may change (see, Prices, choose your country).
  8. In some countries the fixed fee differs according to Members type for example - team or club (see, Prices, choose your country).
  9. The payment is made at the beginning of the month, after the receipt of the invoice, by clicking on the button "Pay" the client will receive an integrated invoice.
  10. All payments are accepted in EUR currency and processed using Citadele Banka payment system. Sensitive data of cards and their mediums are transferred using safe TLS connection.
  11. All customers have one free month to try out a product. The fee for a trial period is not charged, even if the customer will not be willing to use the product in future.
  12. The client has to pay for the service forward, and the cancellation of client’s subscription will be possible only at the end of this period. If the customer cancels the subscription before the end of the term, the payment will not be returned. Therefore, the YoPlayDo company recommends using a monthly subscription to make sure the product meets the needs of the client.
User account’s closing (termination of service provision):
  1. The Supplier is entitled, temporarily or completely, or otherwise, to close or in other way restrict User’s access to YoPlayDo in the following cases:
    1. In case of failure to pay the invoice written out to the User, the Supplier preserves rights to terminate service provision to the User upon expiry of the payment term given in the invoice. The Supplier renews service provision upon payment of overdue money and late interest.
    2. The Supplier is entitled to terminate service provision without warning, if User’s activity endangers safety of the Supplier’s technical resources.
    3. The Supplier is entitled to terminate service provision without warning, if the User or final users of YoPlayDo gala violate requirements of normative standards of this Agreement regarding protection of intellectual property in relation to YoPlayDo use.
    4. The Supplier is entitled to terminate service provision without warning, by terminating the Agreement unilaterally, if User’s compulsory insolvency, bankruptcy or liquidation has been announced.
    5. The Supplier is entitled to terminate service provision without warning, by terminating the Agreement unilaterally, if the Supplier suffers losses due to User’s carelessness or intentional action.
    6. The Supplier is entitled to terminate service provision without warning, by terminating the Agreement unilaterally, if a person acts on behalf of the User, uses the system, the User’s account, which has no rights to represent the User.
  2. The User is entitled to terminate the agreement and close the account upon his initiative, informing the Supplier in writing about such a decision 30 days before.
  3. Terminating contractual relations, the Supplier is entitled to conclude User’s YoPlayDo account, deleting its content irretrievably.
  4. In order to cancel the service, the customer must inform YoPlayDo by email -
  5. If the Parties cannot resolve the dispute through negotiations, it is resolved according to the valid normative standards of the Republic of Latvia at the courts.

If you have any questions regarding service or payments, you can reach us by calling +371 25750622 or by writing to, actual address: Daugavpils, 20 Vienības Street, LV-5401

© 2024 YoPlayDo - All rights reserved