Privacy policy

Property rights and intellectual property rights:
  1. The User certifies that all Intellectual property rights (“Intellectual property rights”), which are connected with the Licensed Product, belong and will belong only to the Developer; and the User has no other rights to the Product, except those to use the Product according to the Agreement’s conditions.
  2. All source codes of the Licensed Product, standard e-requirement or e-application software and unit test cases, which have been developed by the Developer, belong to the Developer. The Developer provides the User with a simple and non-transferable license, to ensure use of Product’s binary files and setup programs during term of validity of the Agreement.
  3. The User agrees that without written consent of the Developer he does not disclose, provide in any way to the third parties, or otherwise make available the Intellectual property rights of the Developer. The User agrees to implement reasonable safety measures, to protect the Developer’s Intellectual property rights. Licensed Product’s property rights and documentation belongs only to the Developer.
Data protection:
  1. All users’ personal data and personal identification codes put into the software are protected according to the normative standards of the Republic of Latvia.
  2. The user registered in the software is informed and agrees that the data given in the respective user’s profile (for example, name and surname, place of residence, profile image etc.) and the content of the profile are publicly available to all other users registered in the Software, as well as in restricted amount – to the third persons.
  3. The content, which is published in the registered user’s profile, may be seen both using a computer, a mobile app (for instance, smartphones, tablets etc.), and Excel file; that is why such content (for instance, a profile image, galleries etc.), using the Software, browser or possibilities offered by devices, may be saved on the mentioned devices. That is why the User has a duty to place only such content, which other Software users will be able to access.
  4. The User has been informed and agrees that ads of the third persons may be placed in the Software and sent to the user, including interactive ads. The Developer never transfers to the advertisers information about Software users and their personal data, still, advertisers may be entitled to define the advertisement audience (for example, by user’s sex, age, location, contact information etc.).
  5. The Developer is entitled to summarize and publish information about the users’ body, not identifying specific users and not disclosing their personal data in any way (for example, studies, data analysis etc.).
  6. The Developer must process or use the data and store the information according to the applicable laws. If the Developer considers that the User’s provided instructions violate the rules of data protection of the applicable laws or regulations, then the Developer without delay must show it to the User.
  7. The Developer confirms that he has looked through the required data protection rules and respectively has given instructions to his employees and subcontractors. The Developer performs the required technical and organizational data protection measures to ensure compliance with the rules of applicable laws or data protection regulations.
  8. The Developer agrees to immediately inform the User, if considerable functioning interruptions have taken place, there is doubt about violations of data safety regulations or other violations have been found out during processing of User’s data. The User, within reasonable time period, must inform the Developer, if during inspection of work results mistakes or violations have been found out.
  9. According to this Agreement the User must always:
    1. perform full and precise registration of Product’s copying, use and users, and upon the Developer’s request, he must provide the following registration;
    2. notify the Developer, if the User learns about unauthorized Product’s use.
  10. Registering YoPlayDo and/or using Software, the user certifies that he has been informed and agrees that YoPlayDo is entitled to transfer the respective user’s personal data in the following cases:
    1. to other persons, if YoPlayDo receives user’s consent;
    2. to other persons, if it is necessary to transfer the user’s personal data to supply products or provide services ordered by the user;
    3. to law enforcement bodies, if YoPlayDo receives a respective request within the order defined by the normative standards of the Republic of Latvia;
    4. to law enforcement bodies, if YoPlayDo finds out that the respective user’s action violates these Regulations and/or normative standards of the Republic of Latvia, as a result of which interests of YoPlayDo, Software users other persons are or are going to be affected.

Please, send claims and pretentions to e-mail:

YoPlayDo bears no responsibility for any punishments received or losses caused as a result of Software use.

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